Dog Scooting, Glands being Expressed

Dog scooting after anal glands expressed, pooping or grooming

No one wants a dog scooting on the floor or carpet and leaving a bad smell or fecal deposits behind. While the behavior is a nuisance, to human beings, it usually is a way of seeking relief from some discomfort for your dog. Below we explore why your dog may be dragging his butt on the floor after their glands get expressed, after a visit to the groomer as well as after pooping. We also recommend a number of interventions to stop your dog from scooting.

Dog Scooting

Dog scooting occurs when a dog drags its rear bottom on the surface of a floor, carpet, ground, grass or any other suitable area. While this could be just one of the many embarrassing moments featuring your pet, it could also be indicative of a serious problem. Dogs may drag their bottom to relieve some discomfort felt in the area. The discomfort could be due to skin or anal issues.

Dog scooting is not a healthy behavior. As the dog is dragging their bottom on surfaces, it becomes easy for bacteria to be driven into the anal area. This may make the situation worse, resulting in swelling or infection. Additionally, the scooting also deposits fecal matter, bacteria and a foul smell on the surface your dog chooses to scoot.

Causes of Dog Scooting

In general, a scooting dog is experiencing some form of irritation. The cause of this irritation can be anything. Worms, inflammation, infections are among some of the problems. Discussed in details below are the causes of a dog scooting and what interventions could be of help.

1.      Anal Sac Problems

Anal sacs are two glands located in the dog’s anus. They produce some content with a foul smell which is used in territorial marking. During normal defecation, dogs are in a position to empty their anal sacs if firm feces are passed. At the same time, the content released helps to lubricate the anal area. In instances where the dog is excited or stressed, the anal glands could empty spontaneously.

In some cases though, anal sacs get blocked, abscessed or blocked due to the inability to have them emptied. This is more so in small breeds. To relieve the associated pain and discomfort, your dog will scoot. In addition, there will be other symptoms indicative of anal sac problems. These include problems defecating, swelling around the anus and attempts to chew or lick their bottom.

The main treatment for anal sac disease is having the anal sacs expressed. Additional treatments may include:

  • An increase in dietary fiber
  • Antibiotics to treat and prevent infections
  • Hot compresses
  • Flushing or lancing of the sacs which is done under general anesthetic.

2.      Fecal Deposits

After a dog has suffered a bout of diarrhea, it is left weak, dehydrated and with their bottom all matted up and messy. When there are fecal remnants around the tail area and bottom, it leaves the dog uncomfortable. To get relief, they will scoot to try and get the fecal matter off the hairs at the bottom.

It is also possible for a dog to have fecal matter dry around the anus even when they are not suffering any stomach upset. You may see your dog scooting to get rid of the feces and thus get relief from the irritation

In such cases, you could trim off the matted hair. Follow this up with a warm bath to ease the discomfort.

3.      Worms

Although this is rare, tapeworms could see your dog scooting. As they get expelled from your dog, some could get stuck around the anal area. This may result in itching and scooting.

4.      Rectal Prolapse

This refers to a situation where the end of the large intestine, the rectum, gets to protrude through the anus. This usually happens when a dog has been straining due to constipation as well as in cases where they have suffered severe diarrhea.

Rectal prolapse manifests as an elongated cylindrical mass protruding from your dog’s anus. Immediate veterinary care should be sought once the condition is noticed.

Your veterinarian will diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment and aftercare. This could include surgery to repair the damage, partial closure of the anus to prevent another rectal prolapse and stool softeners or moist diet to curb strain while defecating.

5.      Swelling

Whether resulting from physical injuries, wounds or tumors, any swellings around the dog’s bottom are bound to make him uncomfortable. Swelling that are accompanied by additional symptoms such as pain, bruising, redness or discharge will force your dog to seek reprieve by dragging their bottom on any suitable surface. These should be reported to the veterinarian for treatment.

6.      Itch

Anything that results in perennial itching will get your dog scooting. This they do to get relief from the itch and is the equivalent of scratching. Among things that could result in itching around the anal area include flea bites, yeast infections, allergic reactions and sensitivity to grooming products.

7.      Dog Scooting due to Allergy

Skin allergies can affect any part of the body. Allergy makes the affected areas itchy and inflamed. As a result, a dog suffering allergic reactions could drag his rear on surfaces to relieve the itch.

How to Inspect your Dog’s Bottom to Identify the Cause of Scooting

To get the most appropriate cause of your dog’s scooting, it is important to thoroughly inspect their bottom. Below is the procedure for that:

  • With a pair of rubber gloves on, calm down your dog and lift up the tail. Observe the appearance of the anus and area around. In normal circumstances, it should be clean and not have an intensely terrible odor. Check for any discharge, growths, and injury.
  • Where there is a foul smell, this could be indicative of problems with the anal sac. The foul smell could be caused by infection or impacted sacs.
  • In case you observe some tiny wiggling worms around the anus, your dog could be suffering a tapeworm infection.
  • Once you identify what the problem is, give your veterinarian a call. Most of the conditions resulting in dog scooting can be treated easily. This will ease the distress and give back your pet comfort.

Dog Scooting On Floor after Pooping

A dog scooting its bottom on the floor after pooping could be as a result of gastrointestinal problems. When a dog is experiencing constipation or diarrhea, it will have issues with passing stool. A dog suffering from diarrhea could have fecal remnants spreading all around the anus. Where the waste gets trapped in fur, it will leave your dog uncomfortable.

This could see them scooting to ease the discomfort. Additionally, constipation could cause irritation around the anal area. These two could be the cause of a dog scooting on the floor or carpet after pooping. They are simply seeking the kind of relief that goes with a wipe.

Dog Scooting After Glands Expressed

When the anal glands become impacted, it becomes necessary to express them. This can be done by a groomer or a veterinarian. You could also learn how to empty the anal glands at home. The procedure helps to empty the contents of the glands. By so doing, the dog is prevented from scooting in a bid to seek relief from the impaction as this could lead to them hurting the anal area.

After a dog has had its glands expressed, it may still be seen scooting its butt on the floor or carpet. This is attributed to the irritation resulting from the procedure. This is more so in cases where the glands had been impacted. The scooting should go away with time.

Dog Scooting After Grooming

A visit to the groomer should get your dog feeling and looking great. If that is the case, you may be wondering; why is my dog scooting her butt across the floor after grooming? There are a number of reasons why this may be happening.

Your pooch could be suffering irritation as the hair grows back just as in humans. It is also possible for a dog to suffer burns from the clipper blades similar to razor burns. Additionally, your dog may be sensitive to sprays, shampoos and any other grooming products used. To avoid this, ensure you take your dog to an experienced professional and one who understands your dog’s needs.

With everything said, never ignore any symptoms you are not certain about. In case you are concerned about frequent dog scooting or where it is accompanied by excessive swelling, the presence of tumors, infection, and inflammation, seek veterinary care.