Dog Vomiting Blood, Causes and Treatments

Dog Vomiting Blood
Dog Vomiting Blood

Dog vomiting blood medically known as hematemesis is a rather worrisome symptom that can be due to a number of reasons. Puking blood is almost always a sign that something is wrong and the sooner you seek attention the better. Below is more info on why dogs vomit blood; sometimes with mucus, bile or in blood clots. Also, find out what to do when a dog is vomiting blood.

Dog Vomiting Blood

Dogs vomiting blood or hematemesis is a rather common but worrisome symptom that is most commonly caused by irritation, injury or the disruption of the esophagus where blood is expelled by vomiting. While it may be nothing serious to worry about, it may also be due to a potentially serious systemic condition that requires urgent medical attention. It is always advisable to seek attention as soon as possible.

Dog Vomiting Blood
Dog Vomiting Fresh Blood

Vomiting blood may be caused by something temporary such as eating something that may have caused dietary intolerance or a systematic problem with the digestive system, liver or the kidneys. It is important to note that bleeding may also be from the respiratory system or the mouth.

The amount of bleeding may be as little as a few drops or streaks of fresh blood in the vomit, large amounts of bright red fresh blood with or without vomit or coffee grounds vomit. The difference in the color and appearance of the blood in the vomit goes a long a way to determine the cause of vomiting blood. This will also help to determine where the bleeding is.

According to the, a few drops of blood in dog’s vomit is more likely to be due to bleeding gums or a cut in the mouth. Larger amounts of blood or formed clots in vomit is likely to be injury or disruption of the esophagus while coffee grounds vomit is more likely to be an ulcer or bleeding in the stomach. Coffee grounds vomit will almost always be accompanied by black tar-like stool also known as melena stool.

Coffee Ground Vomit
Coffee Ground Vomit

Chances that your pet will vomit at the Vets are usually very slim. It is necessary to always carry a sample of the vomit when you take the dog for examination. The vet will take a comprehensive history, perform a thorough examination and a series of tests to determine the cause.

Why Is My Dog Vomiting Blood

Why would a dog vomit blood? Seeing your dog vomit blood can be quite scary that may need you to closely monitor your dog or rush him to the closest emergency center. Understanding what causes a dog to vomit blood may go a long way to help you decide as the handler what the next best course of action is. Some of the most common causes of hematemesis in dogs include:

Problems in blood coagulation or inability to form blood clot due to reduced platelet count or liver failure. This is commonly caused by exposure to antifreeze or toxins such as rat poison and pesticides. Ingesting rat poison may cause improper or poor clotting of blood. In this case, the dog throws up a significant amount of blood. Other symptoms of clotting disorders include bleeding under the skin and easy bruising. Coagulation problems may also be caused by genetic blood clotting disorders such as hemophilia.

Stomach ulcers are another common cause of vomiting blood in dogs may be caused by long-term use of NSAIDs and corticosteroids. They may be also caused by a bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori.

Broken blood vessels. Severe and persistent vomiting with the forceful contraction of muscles may cause a vessel to break. There will be significant streaks of blood in vomit. This calls for immediate medical attention.

Other causes include:

  • Foreign bodies
  • Physical trauma
  • Stomach cancer
  • Tumors in the esophagus or the stomach
  • Parasitic infestation
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Gastritis
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease

Note that, regardless of this understanding, the best thing you can do for a dog that is throwing up blood is consulting a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.

Dog Vomiting Blood Clots

It is surely not normal for a dog to throw up blood clots. This symptom may tell of a life-threatening condition or a secondary medical cause that requires medical attention. While this condition is not common, it can be effectively treated depending on the underlying condition. It is of utmost importance to get treatment as soon as the symptom is observed.

Dog vomiting blood clots
Dog vomiting blood clots

A dog vomiting blood clots may come as the only sign in mild cases of illnesses but may also come with other signs such as lethargy, diarrhea, nausea, not eating, abdominal pain, a weakness which represents a severe underlying condition. This may be a life-threatening emergency. Vomiting blood clots may soon be followed by signs of shock which should be given immediate attention.

Dog Throwing up Blood, Bloody Diarrhea, and Mucus

Dot vomiting blood may come with lots of other symptoms that will make it easier for the vet to narrow down to the diagnosis. A dog vomiting blood and mucus may be due to hemorrhagic gastroenteritis which is typically characterized by vomiting mucus stained with blood and matching diarrhea. Vomiting usually begins as mucus or bile then becomes bloody. This condition is dangerous most especially for small dogs where dehydration may quickly develop leading to low blood pressure.

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis may be a little difficult to diagnose since there are several other disorders that may be present in the same way. It is usually diagnosed by eliminating other similar disorders.

Treatment for dog vomiting blood and mucus is majorly rehydration and depends on how soon you take him to hospital. If treated early, fluids will be given orally or subcutaneously. Intravenous fluids are recommended for those with severe dehydration and complications such as disseminated vascular disease.

It may be necessary that you do not give your dog any food or fluids orally for several days to allow the digestive system some time to rest. Water may be given in small amounts for the first few hours on the first day then in larger amounts with time. Food is reintroduced slowly and in smaller amounts so that it does not contribute to nausea and vomiting.

Why is My Dog Vomiting Blood and Bile?

Vomiting yellow bile in dogs is primarily caused by long hours between feeds. With acute, persistent or chronic vomiting, dog vomit may contain fresh traces of blood. Vomiting blood and bile is caused by gastritis where the stomach muscles and disrupted by the abrupt contraction of muscles.

Dog Vomiting Blood Treatment

Some causes of vomiting blood in dogs may prompt you to want to watch your dog closely for a while before rushing him to the vet. This is however dictated by the severity of the symptoms. Severe blood loss especially if happening too fast can lead to a serious problem in organ function which can be fatal.

Your veterinary will take a careful history by asking you a series of questions and perform a thorough examination and a number of tests to determine the severity of symptoms, amount of blood loss and identify the source of the bleeding. Tests done include:

  • Stool analysis
  • Complete blood count
  • Coagulation profile
  • Organ function tests
  • X-rays
  • Abdominal ultrasound
  • Contrast studies
  • Biochemical profile

Note that it is upon you to keep track of the vomiting and be able to describe the severity, frequency and the progression of the problem. This will enable the vet to properly diagnose the underlying problem. Treatment will depend on the cause.

Sources and References

Dog Vomiting Blood: Dog health handbook

Why is Your Dog Vomiting Blood?

Causes of Vomiting Blood in Dogs:

How to Treat a Dog Vomiting Blood:

Hematemesis (Vomiting Blood) in Dogs:

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