Dog Vomiting Home Remedies

Always visit the veterinarian when the dog keeps vomiting, appears lethargic or has blood tinged vomit. These may be indicative of serious underlying conditions.
See your vet when the dog appears lethargic

If you notice your dog vomiting, there may be remedies for nausea at home. Home remedies such as goat’s milk, almond milk, chamomile, apple cider vinegar are some ingredients you can use to help your dog stop throwing up.

Is it normal for dogs to throw up?

It is not uncommon for a dog to throw up a few times, without it being followed by other symptoms. Dogs are very curious and interesting animals and sometimes they can eat food they are not allowed to (food that is not good for their digestive system).

This can disturb their stomach and cause vomiting of white foam slime. If this happens repeatedly (more than a few times a day), it may be a symptom of a certain disease that should be treated immediately.

Acute vomiting of white foam or a clear fluid, yellow vomit or even bile that occurs with other symptoms is never a normal thing and it is often an indication of a disease.

The sick dog will begin to feel thirsty, and as an inevitable consequence, there is a loss of water and electrolytes. In constant vomiting, there is a feeling of depression, drowsiness, a reduced elasticity of the skin, dehydration, severe depression or tension.

If your dog is throwing up mucus with blood, it could be a sign of a more serious problem and warrants a trip to see the vet.

Eliminate the problem

The first and most important thing that you need to do as a pet owner is to identify and eliminate the cause of a problem. In the case of vomiting, the suppression of dehydration and electrolyte replacement, suppression of the inflammation process on the mucous membrane of the stomach, and the rationalization of the diet with the application of all dietary measures.

It is advisable to visit a veterinarian in order to examine the dog, get the right diagnoses and start with an adequate therapy.

Dog vomiting home remedies

Try the following home remedies to relive your dog if he/she is vomiting a white foamy substance.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great home remedy when it comes to treating gastritis. It has the ability to regulate the production of excess acid in the stomach and returns a normal balance.

It also kills microorganisms that directly attack the inside of the stomach. What you can do is create a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water and try to give it to your dog.

If the dog refuses to drink it try to inject the mixture directly into their mouth. Do this 2 – 3 times a day.


The benefits of the chamomile plant are countless and calming the gastritis symptoms is one of the many.

The soothing effect of this medicinal plant affects the walls of the intestines, creating relief from sudden pain and burning gases.

Pour one or two teaspoons of dried flowers of chamomile into a cup of boiled water. Cover the cup with a plate and let it stand for about 5 minutes.

Make sure to give this to your dog as many times as possible during the day. Another way to use the benefits of this plant is to mix a few drops of essential chamomile oil with a spoon of coconut oil. Massage the swollen abdomen of your pet.


This medicinal plant is full of anti-inflammatory ingredients that function well in removing gastritis symptoms.

Eliminates nausea and vomiting in dogs, which often accompany the development of gastritis. It stimulates the function of the liver, relieves muscle contraction, and general weakness.

It can be sold in the form of dried leaves or powder.
Pour one teaspoon of dried rosemary in a cup of boiling water and let it stand. Give your pet 200 ml a few times a day.

Goat’s milk

Goat milk is desirable to be taken in case of stomach problems. It has probiotic bacteria, which are normally found in the yogurt, and are particularly useful.

This protects the system from the harmful bacteria Helicobacter pylori and strengthens the immunity and prevents the recurrence of gastritis.
Milk is definitely something that your dog will want to drink and regain its strength back.

Aloe Vera

For centuries it carries the epithet of a miraculous plant. The gel from aloe leaves has a very soothing effect, perfect for an irritated mucous membrane of the stomach.
It contains over 240 nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sugars, amino acids, etc. Successfully relieves inflammation.
Mix the gel from aloe Vera with a glass of plain water. Give the mixture to your dog.

Almond milk

Almond milk has some very strong properties such as calming the infected and inflamed stomach.

Additionally, it connects to excess acid in the stomach, restoring normal pH in the intestines.

Almond milk is rich in vitamins and minerals that make it similar to cow’s milk, but, unlike it, it does not contain gluten, cholesterol, and lactose. Unlike other home remedies, this is something that your dog might drink without you pushing them to do so.

Common Causes of Vomiting in Dogs

One of the more common diseases of the digestive system in dogs that causes throwing up white foam is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or in other words gastritis.

According to the causes of the disease, it should be noted that gastritis can be of primary and secondary character (acute and chronic). It can be said that gastritis is a disease that is more common during the winter period, but it is also present throughout the year.

The first and most common symptom of the disease is vomiting, which often causes tension and nervousness with the owner leaving so many questions unanswered.

Some dog owners begin to panic once they notice something like that and choose to take their pet to the veterinarian, while others refuse to believe that it is something serious so they hope that the problem will get solved by itself.

The most common cause of gastritis is the incorrect diet that will cause problems with the digestive system of the dog.

Inappropriate foods and poor-quality foods are the main cause of gastritis, and this also includes foods from refrigerators or foods that have been prepared for a longer period of time, hard-digest foods, waste and dry meals.

Throwing up white foam could also mean that the dog has swallowed an object and it is causing problems with their digestive system. There are numerous conditions and diseases that could be the cause of throwing up white foam slime.
Many times, dogs can chew a newspaper paper, stones, toys, wood, hair, objects, etc. The cause of vomiting is the hard objects, which are causing problems for the whole organism of the dog.

Viruses, bacteria, and fungi may also be the cause of gastritis.

Additionally, different chemicals, poisons, and drugs can also be the cause of gastritis with mild or severe symptoms (poisoning from metals, insecticides, medicines, etc.).

Gastritis is most often the result of poor diet that is most often not appropriate for the dog and does not correspond with the needs of the pet. Often the owners themselves are to be blamed for this type of situations because they neglect their pets by giving them all the wrong foods due to the lack of time.

A huge importance in the occurrence of chronic gastritis is attributed to the presence of Helicobacter bacteria just like in humans. The presence of this bacteria can cause damage to the digestive system which leads to changes in the mucous membrane.

If it is confirmed that a dog has a presence of this bacteria in their digestive system, the veterinarian will prescribe them a special type of antibiotics that must be taken for a longer period of time.

The veterinarian will also consider the potential other causes that lead to gastritis when making a decision on antibiotic therapy.

In addition to inadequate foods, drugs that irritate the mucous membrane or the presence of specific bacteria, chronic gastritis can be caused by certain types of parasites, such as nematodes that favor the mucous membrane wall and sometimes lead to chronic vomiting.

When diagnosing chronic gastritis and its causes, your veterinarian will do a series of examinations that are necessary to establish a proper diagnosis such as hematological and biochemical blood tests will exclude the existence of problems on the organic systems, and special attention will be paid to the work of the kidneys and liver in the course of blood tests.

The irregular work of these organs has a great influence on the appearance of vomiting in dogs. Blood tests can also determine the existence of certain metabolic problems.

According to VCA Hospitals:

“Acute gastritis occurs frequently in the dog. Dogs are particularly prone to “dietary indiscretion” which includes the ingestion of spoiled or raw food, non-food items such as garbage, cat-litter, foreign objects, and plants, exposure to toxins, molds, and fungi, feeding inappropriate foodstuffs such as table scraps or leftovers, or being fed large quantities of food.”